Academia Hildegardiensis

For years I have dreamed of setting up a school about the teachings of Hildegard of Bingen. 2022 was the year in which the Academia Hildegardiensis was born. I was looking for a place to organize a course and found an abbey in the vicinity of Namur. The sisters and Karen (employee) turned out to have the same dream... I found a place where Hildegard's teachings awaken.
The Academia Hildegardiensis was born. The intention is to offer numerous activities both online and in groups in the sign of St. Hildegard. The group activities take place in the Abbey of Maredret south of Namur. For the time being, only in Dutch. In September 2023 we will also start in French and English. Although many courses are also offered online, I continue to find it important to offer live courses on holistic medicine and spirituality. Meeting each other, friendship, sharing, peace, nature, silence... are important ingredients for everyone who cares about health. The abbey is an oasis of peace, quiet, nature, being lovingly embraced...

The Benedictine Abbey of Maredret
The community was founded by Mrs. Agnès de Hemptinne on September 8, 1893. There were 7 sisters, educated at the Abbey of Saint Cécile de Solesme, in France. Madame Agnès became the first abbess and was given the name Mother Cecilia. She actively participated in the construction and decoration of the abbey, especially the abbey church is very beautiful. At the height of the community, there lived 99 sisters who prayed, worked and lived within the walls of the abbey according to the rule of H. Bénédictinus.
The 'ora et labora' or praying and working is central. The sisters lived on their own fruit and vegetable harvests. Their water source gives them delicious fresh water every day. The enluminures-work and scriptorium was well developed. Numerous works were made in the studio by the sisters. The current abbess Mother Benedictine still continues this tradition. There are currently 18 sisters, 8 of whom are novices. The sisters live in simplicity. They welcome with joy anyone who is looking for peace, silence, tranquility, nature. .. Groups with a spiritual mission, interest in naturopathic medicine or nature,... as individual guests are welcome. The teachings of Hildegard of Bingen are important to them.